Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Biggest Loser - Helpfull, or Hurtfull?

This is obviously only my own guess work, and totally made up... but, hear me out on this one.
Being typical Americans, don't you think that there might easily be thousands, if not tens of thousands of tremendously obese people across America who purposely gain even more weight in order to get onto the show.  That way, you're kind of killing two typically American dreams, with one stone.  Not only do you have the opportunity to be on TV without any talent at all, but you also have the chance of getting a quarter of a million dollars without having to do any work for it.  Now, lets face it, if you're only really obese, you probably won't get onto the show.  You'll have a way better chance if you're grossly obese.  As a result, you have lots of people at 380 lbs who are doing everything that they need to do (which is mostly doing nothing and eating too much) trying desperately to get up to 440 lbs, so that they'll have a better chance at being on the show.  They keep bragging, and showing people that they have been an inspiration to for losing weight, while ignoring all of those about to die due to their extra efforts being put into trying to get noticed by the show.  Am I actually the only person out there that believes that for every person who was inspired to lose weight by watching the show, there's probably ten that gained weight, on the off chance that they might get on?  I doubt it!  Agree?  Disagree?  Comment - I dare you.  Once you've thought about it, and maybe left a comment, I'll let you know how it turned out.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Well Conrade
    I must say even if it discusses you
    there are some areas that we do think alike LMAO I have to agree I could not have put it in words any better myself.
    I don't watch that shit but I guess I'm fortunate that I've never had a weight problem myself but if I did that's the last place I'd look to for help or guidence. Alot of those people
    if only they could lose weight as quickly as they've lost there minds
    LOL. Don't like to sound cruel and insensitive but Big Macs and Slurpys seem smarter then alot of these people.
    Stay fit and don't quit.
    Over and out on that one.
    Your Friend to the end_____ of the BLOG lol
    Knewfie Jim
    Alias: SLIM JIM

    Note: I hope some of my comments here
    are as entertaining to you as your blogs are to me and as I've said before you keep writing and I'll keep reading also I don't think the number of followers you have here do you justice your blogs are worthy of many more but don't let this comment go to your HEAD lol.
