Thursday, August 11, 2011

With Night - Comes Rain

It really didn't rain at all for the first three weeks that we were up here.  The soil is a very fine silt, that creates a dust that coats everything, and is very difficult to clean.  Since the sun finally set, it has rained pretty well non-stop.  The resulting mud really sticks together, builds up on your shoes while you walk (and on the dogs during their trips out), and is impossible to keep out of the store and hotel.  Everything (including the dogs) is a terrible mess!  Apparently the start of night, is the start of rainy season.
Lawrie got his first career double, and a grand slam last night.  That kid is tearing it up!  He's going to have to come down at some point, but he might as well enjoy the ride while it lasts.
I've got multiple contractors coming in over the next two weeks to do various jobs around the place, so there should be plenty of road-trips to Inuvik, and lots of new things to learn.

Stay tuned.

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