One out of four. Even if I go perfect through the rest of the playoffs, the record won't look awesome. After this tragic start, I'll be lucky to break even.
The weather during the past two days has been awesome! Since our storm about five weeks ago, I was having some trouble with my charging system on the quad. Right now, all of the loose snow has blown away, there was some sun to soften the surface, and now it's just cold enough to create a perfect crust over the top. I'm able to go anywhere a snowmobile can go. Even where the snow is 12-15 feet deep, I can just ride over the top. Yesterday I went out by myself, to see what could all be accomplished. Today I took out Fran, and between the two days I put on about 50 miles. This is a fairly high view, down into the valley where the town is, and clearly shows all of the open water in the background.
I expected Seattle to put up a pretty good fight, but not to actually win. The Indy/Jets game was pretty good. The Chiefs battled for a while, and then the wheels fell off, for the only game where I picked the right winner. Then, in what I thought was going to be the game of the week, the Eagles defense was not able to keep the Packers out of the end zone, and Akers couldn't make a kick. What are you going to do? I guess I'll just have to pick myself up out of the dirt, dust myself off, and carry on as if I actually know something.
Tomorrow's got nothing to do with sports.
Stay tuned.
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