It's been a crazy couple of days! There was a murder on Monday night. "Apparently" (since he hasn't been tried before a jury of his peers), this particular gentleman decided that in the middle of the night, he should stab his girlfriend over and over again in the head. Then, of course, the only way to follow that up would be to hang himself in the shed. Problems arose when he was found in the process (covered in blood), broke free, and ran up into the mountains.
This was the news that we were greeted with when we got to work in the morning. At the time, the search party was still trying to track him down. A little later in the morning we were finally informed that he had circled back into town, where he was subdued and taken into custody.
What is wrong with these people!? That's two manslaughters, one murder, and one suicide in the last 8 weeks. If your keeping track: one out of every 300 people in town, have been killed (which doesn't count those who have died by natural causes) in the last two months.
There must be a more sensible place to live - something's got to give.
Stay tuned.
Sorry to hear of the trouble. Winter solitude is hard to bear. That is why so many people take trips to a sunny beach ( Mexico). Thinking of all three of you.