I fully realize that all MPs were rookies as some point. But a cabinet chock full of rookies all at once? I also know that there are some veterans sprinkled in there, but can they really be up to the challenge of being the official opposition? A 19 year old, a cocktail waitress that spent a week's worth of the campaign in Las Vegas because she believed that she had no hope of winning, and a couple of students. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the only party capable of stopping the Conservatives from running roughshod through any bills or budgets that they feel like. I sure hope that Jack Layton knows that he's playing way over his head, rather than thinking that this is just a building block to something much bigger and better.
I've been invited back to Winnipeg for some planning sessions next week, so it's not likely that there will be any blogs from the "Peg". This is actually a meeting for some of the folks in much higher positions, so it is at least slightly humbling that I am one of only three store managers out of 140 that have been invited to take part. Of course the down-side is having to leave Fran behind to deal with the northern insanity by herself. Buddy will cry.
That should be the last of the political rants for the next short term, but there are two more series that could be done in the playoffs tonight, and I haven't really spoken about hockey for a while. That should change tomorrow.
Stay tuned.
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