Upon calling the airport and finding out that the charter wasn't going to be in until 2PM, we quickly geared up to cruise around and take a few pics to give people the opportunity to see what the first day of spring looks like up here.
The only thing that is not actually typical about this picture, is that I asked these girls to pose for the shot. Kids skating on the street is very common. They even skate to the store, take their skates off outside, and walk around the store in their socks. It's not like the street is icy, it's just that the snow is packed so hard, and they're so light, that they have no issues skating wherever they want.
After our little ride, the pop came in, the guys showed up, and the freight handling went off without a hitch. So, it's not like it was a huge problem (like I tried to make it sound this morning), it's just that I have to pay OT & we all have to come in on a day when the store is closed. I always work on Sunday anyway, but somehow it's different when you choose to, as opposed to having to.
Anyway, as you can probably tell from the photo, it's not exactly pluses and melting, but our first day of spring was gorgeous! I took a few more shots that I'll share with you over the next few days.
Stay tuned.
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