Today was kid's day at the store, complete with a visit from Santa (luckily not me this year). My grocery manager actually has his own suit (that fits), and as a result, he has no option but to be Santa. Lucky for him, we didn't have any photo paper that fit our printer, and he didn't have to do the photo shoot like I did last year. These kids are built like bricks! There were four year-olds that I could barely drag up onto my lap.
Slovenia is the newest country on the map. Now that there are more than ten, I see that my stat page only shows the top ten. Subsequently, from here on out, I may have no idea how many countries there are hitting my page. You're probably tired of hearing about it anyway.
The store was insane with children this afternoon. Lots of them I hadn't even seen before. Did we somehow end up shipping in kids for kid's day? Overall sales weren't that good, but we're close enough to Christmas, that I don't think that anyone can knock us out of the top three stores in the company (141 stores in total). It's not that I care that much about being the winner, or in the top three, it's just that you pretty much have to be ahead of everyone else to reduce the amount of phone calls and emails based on what you should be doing to increase your sales.
Fran just pulled a lasagna out of the oven, which clearly takes priority over boring you with this drivel, so...
I'm outta here.
Guess the rv sales would help the total!