Have you seen the panormous commercial from Pizza Hut? I know that it's not new, but it's been bugging me for just about long enough now.
Is that a massive bone... or what? I don't know what part of the bowhead whale this actually is, but it's huge! That's back from Repulse Bay, but I know that I hadn't shared it yet. So there it is.
Now, back to the commercial - you know the one with the mayor, the hockey goalie, the astronaut, etc. First of all, the mom said "dinner's ready", like as if she actually has something to do with it, while she's clearly holding one pizza box. The claim is that it's "enough to feed the whole gang". They actually show the pizza out of the box, and it very obviously has eight slices. When you put all the little clips of the commercial together, it's fairly apparent that there's a minimum of ten people there. Even if everyone was totally satisfied with only one slice (which obviously no teenager or professional athlete would be), there's not even enough there for everyone to have one. Are we all supposed to be idiots? Obviously that question was rhetorical, because clearly all advertisers believe that the average TV watcher is hard of learning. I have a had time arguing with them (considering some of the crap that passes for entertainment these days), but seeing as how I am also a TV watcher, I find it insulting that they think that I might believe some of the outrageous lies that they are somehow allowed to tell us. Isn't there supposed to be some sort of law about false advertising? Obviously it's never being enforced. Oh well, the average American ordering that pizza, is probably eating the whole thing by themselves anyway. What commercial might get a piece of my mind next (I know, I know, not too big of a piece... there's not that much left)?
Stay tuned.
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