What an exhausting last few days! We had it sprung on us that we were indeed doing an inventory on Sunday, and we weren't even close to ready. My boss was flying in, our help was flying out, and the day that he was supposed to arrive, everyone in town got cheques from the mine. They were released about ten minutes before the Co-op closed, so everyone had to come to our store to cash them. We had both office stations open, there were lines way down the shopping aisles on both sides, and we pushed through over 30 grand in grocery alone. It was way too much to handle, and an inventory to do on our "day off". There were, however, some upsides. The inventory got done, so we don't have to think about that any more. The bad weather today cancelled the flight out for our help, so they had to stay at least one more day. My boss is scheduled to leave tomorrow morning, and having him come here and see how overwhelmed we both were, made it easy to convince him that we needed to offer my little brother the opportunity to come here risk free for a few months to help us out during the next few months. Nothing is set in stone yet, but it looks like Rory could be coming up here to live with us, and help us out, as early as next week already.
Next weekend is a long one, so there should be at least one day that we don't actually have to work. The other couple that works here should be back from vacation next week Wednesday, which will go a long way towards giving us some reprieve. If Rory comes out next week too, we could almost be looking at shortly having two days off per week again. Won't that be nice!
They say that it's always darkest before the dawn, and it was pretty dark this weekend. This is still going to be a very hard week, with GST cheques coming out, and a total lack of dependable assistance. But... we're now only seven working days away from a possible 150% increase in reliable staff, and a very good chance of having Rory hang out with us until well into the new calendar year. I can only imagine what a mental break that will be to have some company, and a little bit of home to keep with us here in the great white north. Of course all of these plans have yet to come to pass, so I guess you'll just have to...
Stay tuned.
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