Like everything else in life, there are pros and cons to the whole funeral aspect up here. When there is a funeral, all business in town is supposed to shut down, in respect of the dead. That part is totally cool to me. The problem comes out of the fact that virtually everyone in avoids the funeral, goes fishing, hangs out, and does whatever they want with some free time. Today, the body of someone that died while in the hospital in Winnipeg, flew in on the same plane as the mail. Our phone was ringing off the hook with people concerned about whether or not we were going to sort the mail (while we weren't allowed to be open). Then when finding out that of course we would not, the new set of questions revolved around whether or not we were going to reopen after the funeral. Of course they all knew that the funeral wasn't going to be over until after our regular closing time, but they wanted us to come in the evening to open up so that they could get their mail (like there would be anything that important in the mail that couldn't possibly wait till morning). I actually have another funeral story, but since I rambled on much more than I had planned on about my beefs, I'll move on to something else.
Our last Wednesday, only four days left on the arctic circle. Not that I haven't enjoyed it, and that the time hasn't flown by, but I'm certainly looking forward to new opportunities, challenges, and experiences. Tomorrow, the first of our replacements shows up. Getting everything ready for the replacements, and making sure that all loose ends are wrapped up (to make their lives easier), has not been easy. There's always stuff that you put off, to do whenever it suits. When you have to get them all completed in one week, with people that don't understand the meaning of urgency, is enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Good thing I keep a shaved head up here!
Anyway, that's it for today. More to come... Later.
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